New website
I’ve decided to simplify the website and move to a new provider. Let me know of anything funky using the Contact page.
Did Telstra just break payphone regulation by making calls from them free?
In a move that can only be described as a damn good thing, Telstra announced this week that local and national calls to standard fixed…
Gun case lobs confidentiality grenade on NDA breaches
The recent decision of the Queensland Supreme Court in Madritsch KG v Thales Australia has thrust the humble NDA and its oft-used but…
Does NSW’s hotel quarantine bill to Queensland hold up to scrutiny?
In short, probably not. It remains to be seen if NSW will push it further. However, it has raised some interesting questions about the…
Nick Dowse’s 6 tips for doing well at law school
Tip 1: Be committed to the study of law I saw a lot of people drop out of law school or do extremely badly simply because they were not…